What these videos show is that:
1. The mouthguard as the only variable in the exercises is all that alters the athlete's ability to facilitate better these exercises.
2. The mouthguard as the only variable in the exercises is all that is changing the skeletal and muscular physiology of the athlete.
3. If you are an athlete wearing a "Store Bought Boil/Bite Mouthguard" or an "Internet Purchased Mouthguard" (with you taking an impression of your teeth at home) and it does not allow you to reproduce simple changes you see in strength, breathing, flexibilty and balance, then you should at least reconsider getting a new mouthguard/mouthpiece. You may need a new "TOOL" for your "TOOLBOX".
4. See our new Tamdem Vertical Challanger Jump Tester which we are getting and we will be using in our new project evaluations for Basketball players starting after Thanksgiving 2021