Dentist Westborough Ron Look At This

Thanks Ron


My name is Barry Portnoy 

I am a Dentist from Westborough MA


I am currently studying how a Mouthguard can be used to Improve Golf Performance 




Watch These 3 Videos First and Only Continue if you are Still Interested in being Part of this Project























The Basic Idea is to Change the Skeletal and Muscular Physiology and Airway Dynamics to Improve Golf Performance. 


We can only improve an athlete's performance if he/she has dysfunction in his/her Head and Neck and Occlusion that we can see as a result of Body Asymmetry 


If that is the case we think that we can performance enhance the golfer (We are not sure as we have never done this before)



How does it work: 

We need 2-3 Volunteers

We make the Mouthpieces

You evaluate it wrt:

    1. How many yards more are you driving the ball of the            Tee Shot with the mouthpiece?

    2.  Do you feel you are more relaxed Putting?

              Do you feel you are putting better with

                 mouthpiece in? 

    3.  Remember you use it when you need it



How to use Mouthdevice:

A. Mouthpiece works Immediately and you can talk with it in your mouth
B. Place over lower teeth

C. Engage in Mouthpiece prior to:

        1. Driving Golf Ball

               Greater Driving Distances 

                    We Believe with more strength from better                           muscle recruitment it should lead to better   
                     distance and the ability to hit the ball solidly

                     from both the Tee and various Fairway lines                   

        2.  Putting     

               When the muscle of the head, jaws, neck and

                  shoulders are more relaxed, there is less

                  tension when you are over the ball, particularly

                  for putting

        3.   Thinking and Relaxation 

               a. Greater oxygen intake leads to better stamina

                    for clearer thinking through all 18 holes 

               b. The mouthpiece repositions your postural                             chain and muscles to a physiological rest                           position thereby you will not then grind your

                    natural teeth during your Tee, Fairway and                          Putting shots by taking the pressure off your

                    TMJ to help reduce stress and cortisol