Dentist Westborough Improving Athletic Performance future WT&G AD

Can Mouthguards Impact Athletic Performance?


How could that be?


The goal for our athletes is to demonstrate "differences" comparing their present mouthguard or just gritting their teeth to wearing our custom-fit pressure laminated mouthpieces. 


Read more about it, and watch the videos here.  These videos show that with a mouthguard as the *only* variable in the exercises, the athletes' abilities are improved. 


What you can see is that the mouthguard's ability to change the muscular and skeletal physiology is responsible for improving the athletes' ability to facilitate the exercises.


Why not add this extra "TOOL" in your training "TOOLBOX"?


View: Videos


View: Testimonials from Dr. Portnoy's actual clients


Contact the office now and make an appointment for a sports mouthguard consultation!