Dentist Westborough **Can Mouthguard Improve HS Athletic Performance





 Read and Watch 

               How Our Mouthguard 

Could Improve Your Performance

            By Changing Your

 Skeletal and Muscle Physiology as well as your Airway Dynamics


For Ice Hockey, Basketball,

Field Hockey, Soccer, Golf,

Lacrosse, Baseball, Softball

If you have improved:


Strength, Balance, Flexiblity

as a result of:

Better Vertebral Alignment

Better Muscle Recruitment 

Better Muscle Contraction

Better Grip Strength

Better Body Symmtrey

Better Core Balance

Better Foot to Ground Platform

Better Flexiblity

Better Range of Motion

Better Jumping Ability


Enhance Oxygen Flow By An  Increased  Airway Space

Resulting in Better

Stamina and Endurance


It can give you that competitive edge to be a better athlete!



Can Mouthguards Impact Athletic Performance?


What these videos below show is that:

     1. The mouthguard as the only variable in the exercises is all that alters the athlete's ability to facilitate better these exercises.

      2. The mouthguard as the only variable in the exercises is all that is changing the skeletal and muscular physiology of the athlete.


- Proceed to watch the videos below: 


How important is Skeletal Alignment as it affects the Muscle Physiology of an athlete?


WATCH BELOW and SEE WHY it can be important.


A Mouthguard Is the Only Variable In Changing His Skeletal and Muscle Physiology!



How Important is Balance to an Athlete?



How Important Is Strength To An Athlete?

Is A Stronger Athlete Better Than A Weaker Athlete?



How Important is Breathing To An Athlete?

We Will Control Your Airway Space Opening Through Our Mouthguard So That We Can Help You Breathe Easier Thorughout The Game. So When You Need To DIg Deeper During The Last 10 Minutes When Most Games Are Won Or Lost You Will Have An Advantage Over Your Opponent Who Is Not Wearing A Mouthguard Or Is Wearing A Store Bought Boil/Bite Mouthguard Or A Custom Mouthguard Bought Over The Internet (Even One Where They Have You Take A Upper Impression Of Your Teeth At Home).



How Important Is Flexibility To An Athlete?
Is It Better To Be More Flexible Or More Rigid?




We use a combination of MORA TMJ Appliance Theory and PRI MOOO Splint Appliance Neutral Theory Positioning Incorprated into a Type III Mouthguard taking into consideration:

Your Age: It works best we find if you are at least 16 1/2 years old

Dental Occlusion


Body Asymmetry - Head, Shoulder, Hips, Knees

Vertebral Alignment - Postural Chain, OA and AA Space


Muscle Recruitment

Cranio-Mandibular-Cervical Relationship as it relates to           Posterior Rotation of the Cranium and Forward Head                                                                                                  Posture


Reference: Mouthguard Mysteries: Can Wearing One Really Improve Performance; LER (Lower Extemity Review); Nov 2016